Archives and documentary resources

Fondation Giacometti -  Archives and documentary resources

Letter from Alberto Giacometti to Pierre Matisse (draft copy), February 2 1960, coll.Fondation Giacometti, Paris.
© Succession Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti, Paris et ADAGP, Paris)

The Fondation’s resources include many kinds of document covering the artist’s entire lifetime: notebooks and drafts of letters, texts on single sheets and audio-visual recordings.

Correspondence is kept which provides direct testimonies about the artist and his contemporaries. Since its creation, the Fondation has been trying to reconstitute all of the artist's correspondence in order to transcribe it, by collecting copies of letters preserved elsewhere, notably at the Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung and the Swiss Institute of Art History in Zurich (documents from the artist's brother and his nephew’s family).

Alberto Giacometti, then his widow Annette Giacometti and finally the Alberto and Annette Giacometti Foundation, have constantly received information from museums, galleries and auction houses. These confidential elements make it possible to retrace in detail the history of the artist's works.

This documentation, where it is non-confidential, is accessible by appointment to researchers who have previously sent a request to bibliotheque (at)

To search for a work, consult the Alberto Giacometti Database