Annette Gacometti, Alberto Giacometti lisant dans la cuisine de la maison de Stampa, 1961, coll.Fondation Giacometti, Paris.
© Succession Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti, Paris et ADAGP, Paris)



Research Library and Archives

Fondation Giacometti -  Research Library and Archives

The Institute hosts a reference research library on modern art

The library is accessible to researchers by reservation and contains a rich collection of documents, making it a reference centre for the modern period (1905-1970), especially in the fields of modern art, sculpture, surrealism, artistic globalisation and cosmopolitanism in Paris.

With a stock of over 3,000 books, it includes the artist's library, consisting of more than 1,200 books, the artist's archives (correspondence, personal documents and photographs), and a research library of modern art, including rare books, regularly enriched by acquisitions of the latest scientific publications.

Access can be granted to researchers from Masters level upwards; applicants should send a request presenting their research project to 

A portion of Alberto Giacometti's personal library is kept at the Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung in Zurich.

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04 May 2018

The Library of Alberto Giacometti

by Thierry Pautot
31 May 2018

Archives and documentary resources

30 May 2018

Photographic holdings

To search for a work, consult the Alberto Giacometti Database