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Support the Institut

Fondation Giacometti -  Support the Institut

Ernst Scheidegger, Giacometti in his studio, 1959, coll.Fondation Giacometti

© Succession Alberto Giacometti ( Fondation Giacometti, Paris + ADAGP, Paris)
© Ernst Scheidegger

Company, foundation or individual, you can support the  activities of the Institut Giacometti and contribute to the preservation, understanding and dissemination of the work of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century.

Our patrons support us making the Institute a lively place, with ambitious programming and numerous activities :

temporary exhibitions

reconstruction of the artist's mythical studio

reconstitution of a drawings and prints room

restoration of works from the Fondation's collection;

lectures, seminars and publications of the Ecole des modernités;

workshops and guided tours to introduce Giacometti to everyone, especially young people

We invite you to contact us to find out more about our upcoming projects and build a tailor-made partnership togethe


Fondation Giacometti -  Companies

Anonymous, Giacometti and other students in front of the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris, 1925, coll.Fondation Giacometti
© Succession Alberto Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti, Paris + ADAGP,Paris)

Join a unique place in the heart of Paris and enjoy exceptional benefits to share with your employees, customers and partners:

the visibility of your company on communication media;

privileged access to the Foundation's exhibitions in France and abroad: invitations to private viewings, private tours, admission tickets;

prestigious public relations: the possibility of privatising the spaces of the Institute or the Foundation for a cocktail, a dinner, a breakfast, a meeting or a seminar;

a priority access to the events and activities of the Institute.

You can also deduct 60% of the amount of your donation from corporation tax in France, up to a limit of 0.5% of your turnover excluding tax (under article 238 bis of the French Tax Code)  


You can deduct 66% of the amount of your donation from the income tax or 75% of the IFI (under Article 200-1 of the General Tax Code)


t.aubry (at)
tél.: +33 (0) 01 44 54 52 44

They support the Institut and we thank them

Fondation Giacometti -  They support the Institut and we thank them


Emerige - main partners
Builders & Partners
Blackwall Green

Institutional partners
Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Ile-de-France - Ministère de la culture et de la communication
Ambassade de Suisse en France

Technical partners

To search for a work, consult the Alberto Giacometti Database