Fondation Giacometti -  [Woman]
AGD 646


Date circa 1929 - 1930

Medium Pencil on papier translucide

Dimensions 5,66 x 4,72 in.

Collection Private collection


Signed with a pencil at the bottom right corner "Alberto Giacometti"


Sale Kornfeld und Klipstein, Berne Berne (Switzerland), 1975, lot n ° 333
Sale Paul Renaud Paris (France), November 8th, 1982, lot n ° 540
Sale Christie's Zurich (Switzerland), June 27th, 2006, lot n ° 119
Sale Christie's Zurich (Switzerland), December 5th, 2011, lot n ° 44


Moderne Kunst des Neunzehnten und Zwanzigstein Jahrhunderts, Berne : Kornfeld und Klipstein, Berne, 1975, lot no. 333/b
Littérature contemporaine principalement surréaliste. Editions originales-livres illustrés estampes modernes et surréaliste dessins, Paris : Paul Renaud, 1982, lot no. 540
Schweize Kunst, Zurich : Christie's, 2006, lot no. 119, p. 96, ill. p. 96
Swiss Art, Zurich : Christie's, 2011, lot no. 44

To search for a work, consult the Alberto Giacometti Database