Jack Nisberg, Atelier d'Alberto Giacometti, vers mai 1965, coll.Fondation Giacometti, Paris.
© Succession Giacometti (Fondation Giacometti, Paris et ADAGP, Paris)
© Jack Nisberg

École des modernités


Programmation at the Institut Giacometti

Fondation Giacometti -  Programmation at the Institut Giacometti

Lectures, seminars and master classes give the floor to art historians and curators for presenting their work and current research

This art history research programme will contribute to better understanding the decisive period in which Giacometti was living and working. The Institute will support and guide research on this period through a research scholarship, a collection of publications, conferences, and seminars. A reference library on modern art, including books from Alberto Giacometti’s personal library, will be available to the public.

International art historians and curators will present new research, shedding new light on a period of modern art history, through the original study of an artist, movement, or context. These conferences will be filmed and will constitute a reference corpus, accessible at the Giacometti Institute.

A scholarship will be awarded each year to support significant contributions in the field of the history of modern art.

The Institut will publish a collection of short essays by young researchers in the field of modern art.

A reference library containing books by modern art writers and about the modern period will be available for consultation.

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Our next conferences

In 2023

11 October 2023 at 6:30PM*
Iftikhar Dadi "Sadequain and Calligraphic Abstraction" - ENG
29 November at 6:30PM**
Anissa Bouayed "Les artistes algériens en quête de modernité, de l’entre-deux-guerres à l’après-guerre" - FR
13 December at 6:30PM**
Mary-Ann Caws "Mina Loy, who did just about everything!" (Online) - ENG

In 2024

31 January at 6:30PM**
Rafael Cardoso "Primitivist cosmopolitanism: Vicente do Rego Monteiro, Tarsila do Amaral, Oswald de Andrade and the problem of authenticity in 1920s Paris" - ENG
21 February at 6:30PM**
Griselda Pollock "Femininity, Modernity and Representation: Rethinking Modernism with Women (all sorts) in Mind" (Online) - ENG
27 March at 6:30PM**
Nada Shabout "The Baghdad Group for Modern Art: Shaping Modernism in Iraq through Affinities and Congruities" - ENG
17 April at 6:30PM*
Asato Ikeda "Cosmopolitanism reversed? From Paris to Japan: Japanese artists and nationalism in the 1930-1940s" - ENG
22 May at 6:30PM*
Richard Powell "The Harlem Renaissance and Paris. Aaron Douglas, Palmer Hayden, Hale Woodruff, and Archibald J. Motley" - ENG
12 June at 6:30PM*
Oliver Botar "A Hungarian in Paris: Charles Sirato, Dimensionisme and Beyond" - ENG

* UTC+2

07 May 2018

Programmation of lectures

To search for a work, consult the Alberto Giacometti Database