08 Jun 2021

The onirism and surrealism of Leonora Carrington (1917-2011), painter and storyteller.

Jacqueline Chénieux-Gendron
The École des modernités

Leonora Carrington, of English nationality, spent most of her life in Mexico, having lived a short time in France and then in the United States. Her imagination, nourished by nonsense, developed in contact with surrealism, in France, with Max Ernst, with whom she lived for three years before the war. She writes but  also paints, having acquired a solid technique at a young age in Amédée Ozenfant's studio in London. Her quest for mythical thought took off in Mexico City, such as in Chiapas, where she stayed to paint one of her masterpieces. After a long stay in New York, she returned to her Mexican roots. The cultural roots of this great work, unfortunately scarcely preserved or exhibited in France, are fascinatingly diverse.

Jacqueline Chénieux-Gendron

Jacqueline Chénieux-Gendron is emeritus research director at CNRS, member of the Center for Research on Arts and Language (EHESS-CNRS). She has taught at Denis Diderot University, and Princeton University. Eminent specialist in surrealism, she recently published: Inventing the real: surrealism and the novel (Honoré Champion, 2014); Surrealisms.The spirit and history (Honoré Champion, 2014). In spring 2021 will be published by Hermann: Surrealisms and resistance to aesthetics: towards a moral thought.

Tuesday 8th of June 2021, 6:30pm

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Leonora Carrington

To search for a work, consult the Alberto Giacometti Database